Thursday, September 29, 2011

A post, a post!

Don't you hunams ever get tired of this photo taking business? Just let us take a nap!

Though while you're at it, why not fetch me a nice hunk of smoked salmon, m'boy? And make it snappy!

Look, I don't care what you think you saw! This didn't happen, capisch?

Gash, maybe if we pretend she's not there, she'll stop taking photos.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


 Lazy hunams haven't been blogging about me...

I's pissed!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kittehs Hammin' it Up

Zergling has learned the ways of the Roboraptor.

Allagash instead performs the "gentle ham-dance." She is more careful than Zergling not to scratch the hand that provides ham!

Reverence is due to the almighty ham.

Kittehs know that licking your fingers is the best part!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Allagash Battles the Gray Roboraptor

Who the..? Is that a ? What IS that thing?

Does it bring gifts of wet food? Knowledge of can-opening? And
why does it dance so strangely?

It moves, but I won't let this roboraptor eat me.

Wait a minute! I smell fraud! NOBODY'S BUTT IS THAT CLEAN.
No, wait. It's just a thingie. Some weird hunam thing.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kitteh Christmas Special

Extra boxes = extra fun! We like Christmas already...

Which one is for me??? I've been snooping around here since the hunams delivered all these sparkly things.

Good kittehs know that Santa only comes if they go to sleep early and behave themselves.

We must have been real good this year 'cause we gots TUNA!!

Can haz?