Sunday, December 12, 2010

Zergling: 1, Mouse: Dead

Score 1 point for Zergling yesterday - just doin' her kitten thing.

Why no pictures you ask? I was far too busy trying to get the dead mouse (which she was alternating between toting all over the house and putting it down to play with it - gross!) away from her.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sponsored by Coca-Cola!

Oh noes! Hunams is leaving! WHERE WILL WE GET WET FOOD?!

But as long as therez big sistah aroun', won't be no problem.

Destructabots Get Their Comeuppance

Allagash has not yet realized that she will be next....

Oh, the kittenanity!

Autonomous Furry Destructabots

This look says, "I drank your soda and deleted your important stuffs. So what are you going to do about it, hu-nam?"

"I swear I'll stop destroying the plastic bags if you bail me out of this one. Really!"

"Allagash ruined your paper towels... I'm just guarding them from further damage - doesn't that earn me a treat?"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Angel Kittens with Miguel

Allagash looking cute as ever.

Ironically, though Zergling is quite comfortable (and purring up a storm there), she also is periodically struggling to get away, refusing to admit her own comfort and happiness... She's quite emo at times..

Demon Kittens

They're followers of Atropos - Clotho and Lachesis, not so much.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Everyone Loves Action Shots!

See my doggie trick? I want to eat the monkey!

This type of behavior earns me my name!

Monday, August 30, 2010

One Happy Kitten, One Angry Kitten

I'm not sure, to be honest, why she is licking the toy. It is clear that she is enjoying herself.

Don't fuck with me - I'm the real deal, bitches.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shadow Kittens

OMG, what are these strange and horrible creatures?

They're coming for me! *Cue freakish screams*

Aww, it just be kittehs!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Coupla Photos

Allagash looking like a doofus...

Above, again, with a little more dignity. Check out the monstrous mutant paw!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Slackers! (M+M, not Tom and Lexie)

Ok, but we're back, and the internet is back. As soon as I charge my camera, we'll be good to go. In the meantime, some guest shots by kitten-sitter (Thank you! Kittens are in great romping health).

So, I believe that's a kitten that Tom's holding...?

Sooo cute. Lexie would make a great kitten-mommy!

Monday, July 19, 2010

That Kitten Was... Allagash

Nicely done, Mariser! It was a tricksy photo.

Kitteh Blog Break

Unlikely to post anything over the next week due to exciting visit from out-of-town friends, followed by weekend out of town!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Name That Kitten...

2 points to people who recognize this kitten :).

Moar Kittehs

Zergling is not to be messed with. Melee attack +3. (With paw_size upgrade, and +2 claws).

Analogy time!

Moths : flames :: kittens : laundry hampers!

Monday, July 12, 2010


A not uncommon sight now in our household: two kittens nappin' on the couch.
Oddly, Zergling (by far the more timid of the two), usually assumes a rather protective pose over, one that is picture-perfect given Zergling's giant, powerful-looking paws, and the fact that she's slightly larger than Allagash.

The kittens out and about, knocking stuff around on the table. You can see in the background katanas which we're about (in the picture) to remount on the wall above the TV. Nice pagoda look now there, we'll maybe see if we can sneak that in a kitteh picture!

Their pace of play is pretty peculiar and funny to watch. They romp wildly and catfight (claws in, paws only, though if you didn't know that, watching their rabbit-kicks to each others' faces might make you wince), and then one will suddenly hop off, assume disinterest, and wander off for a few seconds. Then either Allagash will run off after 'ling to start up again, or Zergling will turn, settle, re-assume a pounce position, and then attack!

This is an out-take from the last photo of last set.

And by the by, as usual, photos by either of us (we lose track of who did what), picture uploads usually by Megh, and text usually by Miguel.

Chair? Or cat tree?

First picture would be Allagash ("Sumo-butt"), and second two are Zergling ("Goth Princess"). The chair affords an excellent view of the forbidden outside world.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Spotlight on Allagash

A record of her incision (from spaying) healing nicely. Also a relatively rare shot of her looking annoyed; she is much like her cousin Steven in her usual outgoing and friendly demeanor!

I'm... the cat... in the box. (wah, wah wah)...huntin' down... some STRING! ...Won' come... and... play now?!? (Play now....)

She loves bearded daddy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Still have some from before their release from the bedroom that I thought worth putting up.

This is a kitten wondering when we're going to "ring the dinner bell" (they never materialize so quickly as when I tap the knife on their food bowl).

What's the good of a hiding spot if it isn't also cozy? They were totally hidden from view under the pillow from the other side of the chair.

The toy is definitely faster than the kitten! But we love to let them win and tell them what fierce hunters they are.

Our homemade cat bed seems to be a huge success.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Kittehs Get to be Out and About!

Pictures to be posted relatively soon!

Friday, July 2, 2010

More A and Z

Definitely going to have nightmares about waking up and seeing possessed kittens. It's bad enough that they attack feet under the covers at night!

Aw, but we wouldn't harm a fly... see how cute and innocent?

Cat-fishing definitely a new favorite sport - I caught two on one string!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

These Photos Speak for Themselves

...but if you want a caption, right-click to save_as and look at the names of the files. I will submit that I did not post anything last night because I had a lap full of warm, soft, rumbling kittens.