What they did is much weirder.
As anyone who has visited our house knows, we keep a double mattress crammed under our queen-size, to comfortably accommodate visitors:

That is jammed extremely tight; it takes about a minute of see-sawing it back and forth to get it to leave. Nevertheless, that is no obstacle to COMPRESSIBLE NINJA KITTENS:

Believe us, it took us a while to figure out that there might be about a thumb-height of space between the top of the jammed-in-mattress, the slats, and the actual mattress.

Anyway, they both clearly like it there! Some other cute shots:

I should have known! Fannie liked to get in the boxspring of my bed whenever she had a chance...
I bet you would have found them faster then! I was afraid Zergling had escaped the room until Allagash disappeared while we were in there.
Oh man...these are cute pictures indeed. Keep the pictures and blog posts coming :) So how old are these kittens?
They're about 11-12 weeks old. I guess Miguel has Allagash out and playing with string and laser pointer! I want to go home!!!
12 weeks, roughly!
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wkJ7jhdqpAk/TCNMBHXPi8I/AAAAAAAAATs/AvnXT3oPWh4/s1600/Ninja+Climbing+Skillz.jpg is my favorite. SO CUTE!
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