Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Kitten Disappearing Mystery

Not 1 minute after I left to go downstairs to show Vivian (of College Park Animal Control) the easy way back to I-495 (the Capitol Beltway), Meghan is panicked. Zergling has disappeared. Completely disappeared from the crystalline-clean room. After several minutes of frantic searching, the problem is compounded - now BOTH ninja kittens have disappeared. Where could they be? Look at photos of our cleaned-out bedroom, and take a guess; the answer, with photos, will be posted soon! (We promise it's a funny and interesting result!)


Meghan said...

Yeah, and I seriously had eliminated every possible nook...

Tom said...

Oh my god, is that really your apartment? Please tell me the kittens got into a board game.

Unknown said...

behind the printer

Brandon said...

So I just want you to know that I think this is all a huge hoax. Because there's no WAY your apartment is that clean :-p.

Lex said...

In the box. IN THE BOX!!

Patrick Hart said...

Hmm...I'm betting the wily kitties squeezed their way behind some books on the bookshelf.

Raha said...

They're in the dresser! Second drawer from the bottom...